2023-2024 Year in Review

Thank you for a successful year, math leaders! Participation in CML hit new highs going back to our organization as an NCSM affiliate, with over 50 people attending at least one meeting and seeing representation from more than 20 school districts. The orange circles indicate the districts that someone attend a CML meeting this year:


Katie Johnson and the CML board juggled multiple activities throughout the school year. Our monthly meetings featured time to share and get to know each other, time to tackle and discuss some math tasks, updates from groups and initiatives important to the group, and a rotating focus on pathways and interventions, which continued work from previous years. CML also held a second meeting each month for our book study. This year we read Productive Math Struggle by SanGiovanni, Katt, and Dykema, and we ended the year with a special session with NCTM President and book co-author Kevin Dykema. The board thanks all the CML members who attended and supported all of these events.

Our year ended at our May meeting with President Katie Johnson passing on leadership to John Fischer, a math specialist from Greeley-Evans School District 6. John becomes CML's 8th president, and Darcy Harris of the NW BOCES (and formerly of Salida) became the new president-elect on the board. We all thank Lisa Rogers from Fountain-Ft. Carson 8 for her three years of service to CML.